Local garden route Köln

The Villenkolonie Marienburg(colony of villas) was initiated in 1897 by the Kölner Immobiliengesellschaft(real estate company Cologne). In the first third of the 20th century a district was created with avenues and green squares and a number of elegant villas that exemplify the various architectural styles, from the Wilhelminian, over the country house and traditional regional style to the Bauhaus style. The villas are surrounded by generous parks and gardens some of which were designed by Heinrich Wiepking in the typical style of the 20s with ponds, opulent shrub plantations and natural stones. In 1898, the south park was developed under the auspices of Adolf Kowallek (1852-1902) in the form of a landscape park. The pine forest was included in the design. Pine trees also dominate the surrounding gardens of the villas thus blending the park with the horticultural design of the environment.

Gerd Bernbach; Bettina Kreisel; Imma Schmidt; Anja Seidenkranz: Straße der Gartenkunst zwischen Rhein und Maas. Vorstudie. 2002
Gärten & Parks im Rheinland: Hrsg. Landschaftsverband Rheinland (LVR). 2007.